11th August 1819, Keswick, Mr Hutton’s Museum

Wednesday 11th August 1819

LUCY 104b.jpg

We remained at Keswick all day & inspected Mr Hatton’s museum filled with beautiful & curious things.



Sadly we have been unable to find any record of Mr Hatton or his collection.


We have been directed by a reader to the following information on Mr Thomas Hutton’s Museum, at https://www.johndobson.info/Tourists/NumberedPages/Page_29.php . We hope to be able to add to the fascinating information described in this link. It appears that not all visitors were as enthusiastic about the museum as Lucy! In her 1810 diary, one described his establishment as “second rate”.


Can you help us?

Mr Hatton, Regency Period Guide with his own “museum”: We would really love to know more about Mr Hatton, who guided the Coplands on several occasions during their stay. Many thanks to Andrew Burr who referred us to the information, above.

Old Regency Prints, Pictures an Coaching maps: Do you have access to any prints or pictures showing what town and country would have looked like when Lucy travelled through? Any illustrations of what she would have seen in 1819 will enliven our research.

New Pictures: Do you have any modern pictures of the streets, buildings, gardens and views that would enable us to see the changes that two centuries have wrought?