18th September 1819, Remained at Inverness

Saturday 18th September 1819

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Saturday Sept 18th Remained at Inverness



Inverness: As the family is returning on the road they came, for Inverness see our blogs for: September 4th 1819, September 5th 1819, September 6th 1819 and September 7th 1819 to review the city

Bennett’s hotel: The family remained in Inverness and would have stayed in the luxurious surroundings of the Bennett’s Hotel that they enjoyed on September 4th 1819, 5th and 6th September 1819

Can you help us?

Old Regency Prints, Pictures an Coaching maps: Do you have access to any prints or pictures showing what town and country would have looked like when Lucy travelled through? Any illustrations of what she would have seen in 1819 will enliven our research.

New Pictures: Do you have any modern pictures of the streets, buildings, gardens and views that would enable us to see the changes that two centuries have wrought?